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Everyone who models and uses decals should have Micro Liquid Decal Film, especially if you have been modeling for some time. The typical decal scrap box is not the best place to store the decals. When exposed to air, sunlight, moisture, great swings of temperature or general abuse, decals will go bad. Maybe you just always have had trouble putting on thin stripes. Micro Liquid Decal Film solves all those problems and makes a decal, which, for what ever reason, is bad, work again just like new almost immediately. Of course, if you have already put it in water, it is too late.

So if you have some old decals you really want to use, coat them with Micro Liquid Decal Film to be sure. If there is any indication that you might have a problem, don't take a chance. You can solve the problem on the spot. Simply take a small brush and coat the image on the decal you want to use. Allow to dry for 20 minutes. Apply the decal as usual.

With Experts-Choice decal paper and a color photocopier, ink jet, or laser printer you can create, design, and print your own decals. Then coat it with MicroLiquid Decal Film to seal the ink just like a decal printing shop.You'll be surprised how easy it is to do. It is so much easier than doing art work on a model.

Additional details for the Liquid decal film decal products:
  • Manufactured by Microscale with reference MI-12.
  • Package measures 40 mm x 80 mm x 40 mm (width x depth x height), weighting 50 g.
This item is not suitable for children under 18 years old. Aeronautiko recommend this item for advanced modellers and professionals with high experience on building cars and bikes. Read carefully all instructions.

In stock!In stock!
Only 1 unit(s) available!
Usually resupplied every 6 weeks approx.



$8.03 £6.58 ¥1261.65