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Microset is a decals liquid that enormously helps you during their application. It softens the decals, allowing you to place them over irregular surfaces, and at the same time improves their integration with the paint. The product must be applied with a soft brush, placing a few drops between the decal and the surface of the kit. Once dried enough, so the decal can't be easily moved, apply a little bit of Microsol (ref. MI-2) with a small flat brush over the decal to let it finally mould over the surface. Let it dry for almost 12 hours before coating or handling your kit.

With these simple instructions, you'll get a perfect finish.

Additional details for the Microset decal liquid - Blue bottle decal products:
  • Manufactured by Microscale with reference MI-1.
  • Package measures 40 mm x 80 mm x 40 mm (width x depth x height), weighting 50 g.
This item is not suitable for children under 18 years old. Aeronautiko recommend this item for advanced modellers and professionals with high experience on building cars and bikes. Read carefully all instructions.

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$9.22 £7.32 ¥1408.79