Each page provides REAL PAINT CHIPS for the colour schemes described. Each colour schema also provides brief chronological descriptions as they evolved, also one or more pages that represent the average camouflage patterns for the described schemas. The cardstock sheets are perforated so they can be filed. This collection provides an excellent colour references.

Additional details for the Luftwaffe Aicraft (Early & Mid-War Fighters) colour charts:
  • Manufactured by ILIAD DESING with reference CC-002.
  • Includes paint chips.
  • Package measures 210 mm x 280 mm x 3 mm (width x depth x height), weighting 50 g.
This item is not suitable for children under 18 years old. Aeronautiko recommend this item for advanced modellers and professionals with high experience on building cars and bikes. Read carefully all instructions.

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Only 1 unit(s) available!
Usually resupplied every 2 weeks approx.



$13.10 £10.40 ¥2001.13